• Barceloneta

The district of Barceloneta always smells of the sea, fried fish, paella and clothes hanging out to dry. It is the sailors’ district of Barcelona and tourists come and go through its streets for the cuisine and the proximity of beaches, but you will also find a lot of hardworking people here. It is common to find chairs in the doorways of houses to stave off the summer heat, children playing improvised football games in the streets and squares, as well as neighbours chatting from one balcony to another. Narrow, gridded streets, shops from bygone days, all kinds of merchandise coming and going, people with their skin weathered by the sea breeze all make up the mosaic of this unique ecosystem within the city of Barcelona. La Barceloneta is something else; a feisty, indomitable neighbourhood with its own personality.

Created: 17 Dec. 2014
Last update: 18 Jul. 2024